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Absolutely loved the potential I saw in this. So I'd be especially disappointed if others, much larger than myself in the Youtube scene didn't notice this. Either way, I support this project. I'll release an LP soon, you can see the gleeful reaction of me seeing the inventory system especially, as well as just my one more singular criticism. But as I relay at the end of the video I already recorded - I'd see this as a good hidden gem of a survival horror game, I normally wince at many indie horrors that craptastically try to shoe-horn 'action/shooting' but all they do is force down a cruddy royalty-free like script/system in place and it just feels awful or lifeless or hollow. The attention to detail in the many things, from inventory, both visually and management-wise, appeases something in me that reminds me of childhood? Nostalgia? Who knows. But that 'attention' and depth in this game is something I took note and can full-heartedly appreciate, so I can let the developer know that the extra time put into certain things is never wasted or wasn't ignored or any of that sort.


thank you for such a complementary comment! responses like this let's me know I'm on the right track, and motivate me to keep working.