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Thanks very much for checking the game out! <3

For right now, I'm keeping BRIGHTHAMMER setting-neutral high fantasy so that it's compatible with as much existing content as possible. But past the three zine Player Handbook, GM Guide, and Bestiary? Who knows. I do have a few adventure scenarios percolating in the back of my brain, and those have an implied setting. So it would he very easy, and compelling, to make some setting pamphlets...

Honestly, I think you could do a lot worse. It's a clear system with pretty intuitive components. With a scenario or two attached you've essentially got a self-contained high fantasy game, along the lines of a board or party game, which could be accessible for people who don't normally play RPGs but like the genre.

Once people have played through those, if there's a setting they can turn to, they could branch out into creating their own within the guidelines of that setting, much more easily than with a blank slate. Plus other people could more easily write scenarios for it!