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Hi LimeZu, i’ve bought the modern interiors bundle and i’m wondering if you know any software that can change the colours of the tiles because i’m using GBstudio which only uses 4 colors for it to have a retro feel and will take a while to paint over all the tiles.

(1 edit)

Hi Ca11Z, I’m sorry but I don’t know any software that could reduce the color palette that much without giving out a messy result! Btw, what palette are you using for the conversion?

Hi LimeZu

For sprites i’m using the standard ones which are #071821 #86c06c #e0f8cf and #65ff00 

#071821 #306850 #86c06c and #e0f8cf are for the tiles.

It’ll just take a long time to paint over all the assets which is why i bought your assets to save lots of time that i don’t have.