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Did anyone find all three pumpkin key? I know i found two but I don't know where the third one is? Help? 

(1 edit) (-1)


Hi there! The pumpkin keys are in the mirrored room, the maze and the corpse on the operating table.

The hardest one to get is the one in the mirror room; you have to find all three differences which are one of the pots doesn't match, one of the paintings is different, and there's no shadow against one wall. Hope that helps! If you find them all you'll get the good ending ;)


Thank you so much! 

Yeah, no problem! Glad to see you're trying to get both endings! And if you enjoy this game, the next one's coming out at the end of March ;)


ghost here playing the updated version of her games lol ;)

Awesome!!! Perfect time to recap before the next game comes out!