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Hi space lion,
The assets are not compatible with the VX ACE at the moment, that engine requires the tilesets to be exactly 512 x 512 px! I should be able to add them in the next few days if you wish :)

hi LimeZu,

I thought so, but was getting worried I was just being stupid haha. If you could do that, it would be amazing. I love your sprites, they look so clean and simplistic, but very cute and perfect for rpg. 

How long would it take your to convert this package?

I'm rushing it , it's a pretty long process tho, I hope to end it for today's update!

I've just added the VX Ace compatibility for the full version of this asset here

I'm gonna update Serene Village too this evening or tomorrow :)


Wow, was not expecting it this fast! Great work, will check it in the evening :)

Great! I've also updated Serene Village with the VX Ace stuff