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(2 edits)

Phileo and Fern. Or i got it all wrong with the suit and the ring as clues ?
Or it was just the "brother" love from Fern and those items were for someone else in Phileo's past.

Also 'werewolf' Phileo is dangerously cute ^^



Well then i guess i'm gonna wait for the next update(s) to know........ before i go crazy AAAHHHHH too little infos to know if i'm right i'm gonna go insane but i will stay strong because Phileo is a cute cuddly giant ^w^

So they were really lovers !!!!!! I knew it ! And i love it ! My heart ! This update was HEAVY and i loved reading every word ! DAMN Phileo, you're gonna get a second chance ! LUDUS YOU BETTER NOT SCREW UP !!

Anyway this was an amazing update, i feel like every update keeps getting better and better. This VN, even at this kinda early state (idk really), is one of the best written i have ever had the pleasure of playing.

Thank you HugeCookie for this !!!!