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Hi where can i get / find the correct unity nerve.wad, i have all the doom games in steam i just dont know where the wad is, or is it only in If you could direct me to the correct folder or tell me where to buy the latest version, id be grateful. 

I'm not sure where to find nerve.wad in the newish Unity port, I assume it's in one of the subdirectories where other WAD files are, but the addons all require a account which I don't have.

Here's a page with info on the original nerve.wad, as included with Doom 3 BFG Edition and the older console ports:

Hmm, well i have the Nerve.wad in ":\Steam Games\steamapps\common\DOOM 3 BFG Edition\base\wads" but it throws the ERROR: Couldn't find lump with name INTERPIC so id like to get the nerve_unity_1.3.wad (6ab960ae23430ca2ced7db3edd8075b7e0158f26) but i have no idea where id get it from. :(

The folder you want should be at:

 [path to Documents folder, excluding that folder]\Saved Games\id Software\DOOM 2\WADs\3

So, if your Documents folder is at the default location, then that location would likely be:

C:\Users\[user name]\Saved Games\id Software\DOOM 2\WADs\3

However, if your Documents folders has been moved to, say, "D:\ExtraStuff\Documents", then that location would be:

D:\ExtraStuff\Saved Games\id Software\DOOM 2\WADs\3

Once you find the folder, you should find a file simply named "3"; that's the WAD file you're looking for. Copy that file to your desired location, and then rename the copy.

Hope that helps!

(And in case it's not obvious, you do need to download No Rest for the Living within the Unity version of Doom II first.)

(1 edit)

Thank you! You are a star! Logged into Doom 2 and downloaded the "DLC" found the Saved Games\id Software\DOOM 2\WADs\3 (which is not in the Steam\Common folder... which is where all the other .wads are for Doom 3 etc, and was the main part of the issue) found the "3" file (which I would never have guessed was the correct unity wad)... and Boom... um ... i mean and DOOM, there it is, the FULL wadsmoosh mega fileno errors, perfection!

(8 edits) (+2)

and for anybody who Reads this and wonders what the full list of files and the oddities to be aware of are:

  1. DOOM.wad  - (Ultimate Doom for the extra levels but the earlier non BFG edition "Uncensored" version)
  2.  DOOMu.wad (The Unity Version just so smoosh can take the widescreen stuff)
  3. DOOM2.wad (Again the earlier "Uncensored" version)
  4. DOOM2u.wad (The Unity Version just so smoosh can take the widescreen stuff)
  5. "MASTER LEVELS".wad's (20x Separate Level Files)
  6. NERVE.wad (Because Xbox BFG edition Levels)
  7. NERVEu.wad (The Latest 1.3 Version so smoosh can take the widescreen stuff)
  8. SEWERS.wad (Because Xbox Extras - from id games Archive)
  9. BETRAY.wad (Because Xbox Extras - from id games Archive)
  10. TNT.wad (The earlier "Uncensored" and "fixed" version with the restored Key Card, from GoG)
  11. TNTu.wad (The Unity Version just so smoosh can take the widescreen stuff)
  12. PLUTONIA.wad (Because the Rest of Final Doom)
  13. PLUTONIAu.wad (The Unity Version just so smoosh can take the widescreen stuff)
  14. SIGIL.wad (The "non-compatible" v1.21 Version - better for GZ Doom etc, from
  15. SIGIL_Shreds.wad (Because Doom Metal from

unity edition EXTRAS.WAD too