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Day Five

Didn't get much done today as I had other commitments, however I managed to add functionality to the Challenge system (Now Called Quest system) to allow for an object such as the fish above to be used in multiple quests. For example, "Find the Large Salmon", "Take slices from the Large Salmon" (Which gives an item reward of salmon slices)

I also decided that for the collect x fish quest (which is the only quest that will make it to the final game as-is) will be related to the concept of feeding time. This hasn't been implemented however I have the full plan in my head for now.

Fish spawn randomly across the environment at feeding times during the day/night cycle. You must go and pick up as much fish as you can before all of the other penguins take the fish for themselves. (Fish collected by other penguins is lost and cannot be claimed in any capacity)

I should be able to use the existing "Find-able" system by adding a check to the quest's type (Incremental/Immediate) and increment or immediately completing where appropriate.