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This game was very beautiful. I loved the look and feel of the island, and the animal babies were so cute, especially the puppy on his little pillow.

I like the theme a lot. Nurturing and caring for the victims of other violent video game players is an interesting idea, and there need to be more wholesome and nurturing games. The story bits were well written and interesting. They really made the world feel real and deep in just a few paragraphs.

I'm sure this would be adjusted and balanced in a full game and that this is just a proof-of-concept thing, but the materials used for things and the amounts (130 wood for puppy pajamas, for example) didn't really make sense.

I would definitely play a fully-developed version of this. I followed you, and am looking forward to whatever you decide to work on next.

First of all, thank you for your patience with my reply.
I just want to express to you how grateful I am for your absolutely wonderful feedback.  Reading you kind word makes me swell with pride!
Also, before your reply I was unsure if there would be others who liked themes that are more nurturing/kind themes. Reading that the theme specifically is something you like makes me so glad. It makes me feel like it's a theme I can keep exploring, even if we would be just very few people who would enjoy it. Thank you for this!

And I absolutely see what you say with some materials (like wood for pajamas) not really being logical. I take this with me, and will incorporate your feedback in my future projects!

You are wonderful, and I hope your week is great!
Best regards
