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Wow it ends quite abruptly (see the wolf-babe, BOOM thank you for getting as far as you can!) but otherwise I really enjoyed the latest stuff! The automatic drone seemed to run into more "negative events" this update (ran into a tree A LOT), where the RNG gods just mad at me? (wouldn't surprise me...)

There's one Snow White hairstyle that I can't seem to get, is that a Patreon-only hairstyle? No worries if it is, just curious.

This is a minor thing, but I was trying to give Tinker a new outfit and the MC says "maybe Emee has something", only I hadn't met Emee yet! Might want to change it a little if the MC hasn't met Emee yet. 

Just need to wait for the latest update, and wonder if I can get it on with Rosette soonish!

I think you just got unlucky, in fact, I even increased the loot ratio of the automatic drone ^^
I think that this hairstyle must be patreon exclusive indeed.

I'm super surprised you found this bug! If there's any chance you could tell me what the exact sentence was that I could find it in the code, I could fix it right away for next week's update.


Next weeks update you say? Cant wait! Best game.

OK I was able to reproduce the bug (I'd call it more an oversight). I had just gifted Tinker the commander's hat. I found the commander's hat via drone exploration. I have NOT seen Emee yet. Tinker said all she had was the hat (she didn't mention the two outfits she already had...), then the MC said this:

"I think Emee was selling something else, too. I can make that, if you want."

I guess the implication is the player will have found the commander's hat after unlocking Anna and Emee. I found the commander's hat before meeting Emee, making this a little confusing!

I'm hoping that with starting over the RNG gods will be nicer to me in regards to Petal, there was too many times I had to call Petal back with "nothing" because she'd run into a tree, the brambles, fought with a squirrel, tried to swim...and no "found credits" - I think it was 4 or 5 straight times I had to do that and I was thinking "either I'm just really unlucky or the auto drone was made more challenging" - sounds like it's the former. 

Thanks for finding this thing, I fixed the problem and put a different dialog if the player hasn't met Emee yet ^^