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I really liked what I played! 

Unfortunately, In the second level after the tutorial levels, I would either start the area not being able to jump or slide, or I would die in that area and then restart not being able to jump or slide. I had to keep restarting the game to get back to that point, but it kept happening to me.  I really did enjoy controlling the character and navigating the world, and I'll come back to play more.

Hey, you mean it was it buggy and non-responsive? Is it on level 6? where you start in a small room that you have to slide out from?

Yes! Sometimes it would let me slide, but occasionally I would start the room not being able to do anything. 

Yes, thanks. I managed to replicate the bug and fix it. I will upload the patch once the ratings are over.


Awesome! I'm glad to hear it. I'll be back after ratings are over.