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As a friend & colleague I must say this is my favourite Timore game. This new entry feels fresh & original with all new visuals and a graphical overhaul. 
The mannequin is now a really creepy interpretation of ones self which shows actual characteristics of sadness and loneliness. 

The rest of the world is very neutral but it adds a lot to the atmosphere. White, grey, red & black make up 90% of the colour in this game, (everything you would associate with depression, sadness & loneliness) & despite being plain & neutral really works in bringing the world to life.

I feel like I can personally relate to this also & I know that there is more to this game & it has a deeper meaning but it's not for me to describe what exactly. For now, please understand this is a game that is personal, yet shared by so many & this is what makes this game so appealing to  myself & many others. Great job Vidas.

Thanks so much man, means a lot, and glad you enjoyed the game :)