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I am in love with your game!! What an awesome simple concept, executed well! I love Picross and this is such a great minimal take on that idea, combined with a sort of rhythm game. I really like that it's challenging but quick, and I love the way you can miss pixels but still complete the drawing and recognize it, but you can see the places where you messed up. Very much incentivizes playing again to perfect the drawing! Great work. Did you consider having a cursor that moves along the drawing space as the pixels scroll by? Think it would be a great additional aid to understand that you're making the drawing happen.


Wow, thank you for your words!  Really made my day :D

I did consider this, but wasn't sure (until reading your comment) that it would made a huge difference in the experience. Also, I'm not gonna lie: the way I programmed the game made a bit hard to add this feature, so I instead focused on other features/fixing bugs.

I'm considering expanding this concept into a larger game, so I'll definitely add this feature when this happens!