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Heyo, Jimmy here!  I'm gay and living in California.  I'm an artist, and would love to help design some stuff (backgrounds, characters, props?) for anyone who needs it!  samples of my stuff can be found here!  Contact me any way you like!  My twitter handle is @hotdogcouch :]  Hope to hear from everyone soon!

Hi Jimmy!

Really nice work there -- our team is doing a VR game and if you're up for it, we'll appreciate some hands on Art Direction and/or modelling.

We're currently brainstorming our game in Discord, let me know if you're interested and I can send ya an invite. (runeberg#9344 in Discord)



Hey Rune!  Give me a few minutes; gotta figure out Discord a bit.  But yes!  Definitely interested in helping out in any way that I can.