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I see some of the major differences in the map design, which adds to the overall direction of the story. But most importantly is the fact that exploration is now rewarded with heavy story exposition, which I very much approve of! Much too few games utilize the simple yet very effective tool, that is rewarding exploration. It is an easy way of compressing mora gameplay into one map, and allows the player to really appreciate the map design! The only thing that could be added to that use of the tool, is not only story in the form of text, but in the form of objects that tell a story by simply being. Much like the pile of destroyed robots, but just hidden like the terminals.

Gameplay wise, nothing much has changed since the last demo, I saw no new mechanics, but I assume more will be discovered in the full release.

The story is now a large and important part of the game, which I really like! I thought the game had so much potential to not only be fun to play, but to immerse the player with an intriguing story! And so far the story is very much immersive!

I like all the changes I saw, so nothing much to add there. All in all, these changes has just made me look even more forward to the full game, when it releases! Great work!



Hello BH! First thanks a lot for playing our new demo and providing these many feeback.  We can't agree with the idea of rewarding exploration more. Also thanks for appreciating our story, more in the rest:)