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Now the concept sounds cool enough, however what I wonder is this.... I think that when it comes to making the computer read the newspaper for a blind person or something this could do wonderfully, and what I heard sounds very clear. However when it comes to story driven games such as RPG and point-and-click-adventures where the heroes and villains of the story actually speak, I'm not quite sure if AI can produce the proper acting... I mean, then emotion can play a role, like happiness, being in love, or being angry. But I also doubt a computer can put the right tone emphasis on rhetorical questions or even better sarcasm. In sarcasm in particular the kind of speaking is very important as the tone will make it clear the character who speaks is being sarcastic.  

When it comes to a voice over for an introduction story.... well, I guess then maybe this will do... After all then clear speech is more important, and I could understand it quite well, and given the fact that English is not my first language, I guess that counts a little.