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Hey! The game is very nice and got a lot of potential! I like the overall concept of the game but there are a few things that can be improved:

For instance I would like to see diffrent colors of the sqaures based on the value they have. So the player can easily see what are the "hard" sqaures.

Also I kind of didn't understand how often the ball bounces around until it stopped. And I kind of wished that a square hit increased the possible bounces.

The visuals can be improved as well.

The upgrade system is very nice! This shall be a positive comment, I really liked the game! 

So, keep it up!

thx for the feedback Im glad you enjoyed. The different colors of the squars based of their values is already a thing. After 10hp they are no longer blue, but green and over 25 they become yellow and so on. You may have just not progressed far enough to see this as the game does start off very easy.

oh okay! Sorry for missing that!