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Enjoyably stylish presentation of the characters more defensive/damaging states, in a pretty smooth playing shooter. Some parts of the experience felt a bit awkward though because of the enemy design.

- Favorite part was the strong presentation of your state, the solid rock vs spikes at the extreme ends of defense/attack, and the progressive colors/particles inbetween, kept you aware of it all.
Also think the UI for the defense/attack stat and shield was very clear and concise which was nice.
The general speed and shooting felt comfortable as you play, and I think the permanence of enemies when they died worked well here. I was happy to have completed the game.

- I'm not sure about those birds. It felt like the only way to tackle them was have full shield and wait for them to hit you, because even full attack I couldn't kill them shooting them the whole time before they killed me-except a couple rare times that seemed random so I couldn't tell if it was possible or not. This meant the hallway full of them was just a very slow back and forth take damage, wait to heal, take damage, wait to heal, for that length.
The snails are a nice change of pace, but because it's hard to tell how much damage you've dealt, combined with their 'death' looking the same as while alive, it sometimes made them awkward to battle. Especially in the entrance full of them, that I failed a few times, I couldn't tell if I killed them or not and they popped up and sneaked a shot at me when I thought I was safe.
It may change the pacing a bit, but I think some permanence to you taking damage would be nice, if the bar shrunk so you had max 9/9, then 8/8, etc, within a level and reset the next stage, that way you couldn't get comfortable with the shield up, etc, and would make each contained level more intense.


Thanks for the detalied feedback i know that there are some balancing issues i did not have the time to playtest :/

Also i aggre that snails need a clear visual indicator when they are dead. 

I am glad you had fun with my game :D

No worries. Yeah it can be tough to playtest when you're trying to just get things working sometimes ^^;

Glad to hear.

:) thanks for making it.