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If you don't really like that idea, I have a bit more

1. make the map a bit bigger (like a meter on all sides)

2. (workes better if you also do 1) add a small house with a little fireplace this if you put people in, they pop out the chimney

3. add little secrets, like a small room under the map that people would accidentally go in when they fall off the edge if they are lucky.

4. add a dog


Maybe I should make a sequel


That would be cool, but keep it at least a bit stupid, that is what makes it funny


Oh I will make it even more stupid than this one believe me

who knows, maybe captansause will use it for 3 random games

is it going to be kind of like this game, a sandbox game that has no achievements that is fun to just play with? Also, did you like any of my ideas?

yeah your ideas are good

Thanks, sorry id my comments are annoying btw