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Hello, thanks for the feedback.

I agree that healers can be a bit too aggressive with their healing at the moment, I'll probably lower their target range somewhat in the future. The friendly unit AI in general is something I'm hoping to improve. 

As for the idol statues, there are actually already 4 guaranteed to generate on the map, with a chance at 5. The first 3 will always be one of each resource type too. They can appear anywhere on the map though so they can be a bit hard to find sometimes. 

I would also definitely like to add more intractable elements in the future too.

I'm glad you like the game and I appreciate the support!

I have a suggestion for your store page, there are barely any tags for your  game. Adding tags like pixel graphics, rogue-like, base building, and management would help people find your game. The only reason I found your game is because I am always eyeing the Upcoming tab for Steam.

If you mean the Steam Store page then those tags are mostly user defined so I have little control over them. If you think the game should have those tags you can suggest them on the store page right below where it lists tags. I'll update the itch tags though, thanks.

What tags would you personally give it?
I'd be happy to suggest them. :)

I appreciate the idea, but feel free to add whatever tags you think fit the game best.