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time for some q and a!!

Ask me about anything and I might answer.. don’t ask me about my real name and shit

Do you really love me? Lol

fuck yeah I do!!!!

What kinda question is dat lol

hehe just making sure love! Lol

wow Oki lol


have any siblings if so which one is your fav

I have a step brother a step sister and a half sister.. 

uh I think my step bro is my fav, he likes anime and he has a knife collection! he is soo cool

(1 edit)

I have an older sister and three half-brothers but only the brothers is living with me so...My 2nd oldest half-brother is just out in the world doing his job..watching anime..being an OG weeb...and my oldest half-brother is in the marines...if I ever see him again I'm going to beat his ass 'cause he said that he would come home 😡 but then again I don't rlly have a lot of memories about him T-T anyways time for the favorite...Well my sister and the brother thats still living with us (no he's not 18 yet but anyways) anyways they both suck tbh so I would have to say that my favorite is probably -uh I'm just gonna say his name Brian T-T forgive meh for exposing your name out into the world .-. Brian is the one that is the OG weeb he watched Dragon Ball Z as a kid but thats not the only reason why he's my fav I just feel like we always get along tbh even though he only comes to our house maybe...once or twice a ye I just have to be tortured by my sister and the youngest half-brother and meh parents and live meh depressing life alone...I don't even know what I want meh job to be T-T plus I feel like when I'm older I'm just going to -uh commit suicide...but anyways sorry for turning this into a depressing thing! Besides my life isn't that bad I guess! Other children have it way worse tbh (btw no they aren't abusive just torture)

Wats ur fav kind of drink/food/and animal?

my favorite drink is sprite

My favorite food is noodles

And my favorite animal is an otter, rabbit and jackal

Are you a girl or boy?

I’m bi-gendered

Yeah, Okay.

🥺 Noodles!

-uh lets see...

my fav drink is poison 

my fav food is ramen with poison in it 

and my animal is probably the snake 'cause it has poison which can kill meh .-. nah I'm just kidding just feeling like shit as of this moment so don't let me bring you down T-T

My fav drink is probably...Sprite just like -uh Elk 

meh favorite food is probably mac n' cheese or ramen...

and my fav animal- oof thats hard I'll go with the bear but I like lots of animals so ye

Have a depressing song just bc

yeah mumsy 

Elk drinks poison lol


I choke on pudding.. and I put vinegar in her tea..

...-uhm how...-uh...interesting!

oh and I like pantries.. they fit pans.. and pancakes!