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-uh lets see...

my fav drink is poison 

my fav food is ramen with poison in it 

and my animal is probably the snake 'cause it has poison which can kill meh .-. nah I'm just kidding just feeling like shit as of this moment so don't let me bring you down T-T

My fav drink is probably...Sprite just like -uh Elk 

meh favorite food is probably mac n' cheese or ramen...

and my fav animal- oof thats hard I'll go with the bear but I like lots of animals so ye

Have a depressing song just bc

yeah mumsy 

Elk drinks poison lol


I choke on pudding.. and I put vinegar in her tea..

...-uhm how...-uh...interesting!

oh and I like pantries.. they fit pans.. and pancakes!