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A topic by Eater Of Worlds created Jan 22, 2021 Views: 568 Replies: 4
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as a long time fan of this game i love your work , and i have a new pc to play , however i wanna play all of the content currently out . but i am confused as to what tier of your patreon i require to access the full game as it is . thank you for your time 


Hey there, sorry for any confusion! The cheapest Patreon tier to get the latest version of the game is our $10 tier. Thank you for your interest in supporting the game!

no worries there . actualy i sent ya a message on patreon i decided to got for the midd level patreon and i got the version i wanted . actually i have been playing it non stop finding everything , i got just bout every nook however i cannot for the life of me find the double jump . is it still in the game? anyways loving all of it , cant wait to see more


There is no double jump, no, we decided to get rid of it in favor of more interesting movement options. You can activate infinite jumps in the Debug Menu once you reach the end of the demo, though! Just be warned that they won't save after you exit the game, like other debug mode options.

yea thats actualy what made me think there was a double jump cuss when i reached the debug level  the infinite double jump option had me thinking i missed something , HAHA so ive been on a wild goose chase ,  no worries i totaly agree with the power up setup you have now , even when i finished the game still so fun just to mess around .