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A sewer horror game huh... So tight corridors and soggy socks awaits. I got just that but what I got too much of was the in your face monsters and spooky/chase music that was always playing. I really feel like this game would have benefited from a more of a slow burn or some kind of build up. This game wasn't scary at all and at times you couldn't even see the screen because of the water/splash effects. I did like the addition of you having to sometimes crouch or even... crawl lol. I wish that was used more. This game is just run that's pretty much it.

- Great title music (it makes for a great set-up for your game)
- Brief crouch/crawl tutorial at the beginning (that was a great way to show that hey we will be using these)
- I like mazes

- Too much running (that is how you beat this game, you miss out on alot of things because you have to run the whole time)
- Some monsters are too fast (Water snake kills you even if you are running so it's a gg for you if you see one)
- This game is too in your face (I know that probably was the point seeing as the whole game is like that but you are in a sewer that in itself is scary, you didn't play off that at all just kinda covered it up, like this games setting could have been anything with tight spaces and it would have been the same experience)
- Some of the screen effects need to be turned back a little ( when you get to the high water part you pretty much can't see or make out anything so.. just run)
- And please if we are going to run most of the time and it's a maze maybe make it so that your speed stays the same if you are looking to the side while running forward (strafing) that would boost the experience a little.

And even with all these cons I still played it until I got an ending so keep it up, and I hope to see more. GGs