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(1 edit)

very fun concept! It's kind of disorientating though? It could be interesting if the map was consistent so as you're playing, you get to build a map in your head of where you are and where you can go

Also I kept dieing at 20 points for no reason? 

Edit: Ok I managed to get past lvl 20 after reading some of the comments but I'm still suuuper confused about what's happening with the different platforms?

But cool and juicy game


Thanks for ur feedback!

So the thing is you need to stay on the white outline of the platform to not die. before u reach 20 points, the platform is simple because the outline is the same color on all its sides, but after u reach 20 points it will get more complex since the outline will not the same on all sides of the platform so u will need to be more careful,

hope this makes it clear,