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I wrote this in my review already, but i dofeel the need to also comment.

That was unironically the best Visual Novel Ive ever played. I swear to god, its an exhilarating mix of believable, powerful emotions,  thrilling suspicion and mistrust, mystery, detective and really beautiful, unique art.

I downloaded it by pure coincidence and it turned out to be such an unbelievable gem.. A big thank you to the producers, Im really touched by the work. Should u ever need help, Ill happily volunteer!

Also to everyone still undecided: PLAY IT.   You will definately not regret it.


Ahh, you should’ve seen my face when I was reading your comment! 😊 Thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed my little project and I hope the future updates will also be to your liking! 


They surely will, you dont even need to doubt that. Im looking forward to them very much!

Dont push yourself too hard however, Im sure its a massive amount of work, but this is a marathon, and the option of burn out is more real than most expect.

Again, if you need any help in art, proofreading or translation, dont hesitate to reach out to me.


It is hard at times, but also very rewarding. I do try to take breaks though! :D

Thank you, I’ll definitely keep it in mind! <3