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Hey! I really liked this!

A very simple premise that really starts to get challenging near the end!

Although, I do have two little gripes. (I know this was a GameJam game, so I can kinda sorta forgive these but since you're still working on this, I thought I'd say something about it.)

  • There's no "Restart Level" button. There were several times where I'd make a mistake, and the only way to save myself would be to exit the level and then enter it again. It's not exactly tedious or anything like that, but a dedicated button would be nice. That or add checkpoints that the player can revert to if they really screw something up.
  • I like how you need to collect the funny sex number amount of collectables to be able to face the boss of an area. However, there are four areas before the boss that can be challenged in any order, or even skipped entirely since you only need to collect 23/25 collectables in three levels at a bare minimum to be able to get past the gate.

Since the first four levels are used to teach the player vital gameplay mechanics, giving the player the chance to skip one of these important levels probably isn't wise (to be fair, they aren't exactly hard to understand). Since you've probably already built out a whole bunch of levels, The only idea I can think of to fix this is to increase the amount of collectable required to progress to more than you could collect from 3 levels alone (although this would mean you wouldn't be able to use the haha funny sex number joke).

You could also remove a few unnecessary collectables to lower the amount in each level, to require the player to actually play through each level. Now I believe you deliberately put a whole bunch more collectables than you'd need to progress to allow the player to skip a few collectables if they found them too hard to reach. You can still do this! Simply cut 5 collectables out of each level, so that there's 80 all up in each area! That's still 11 more than what you need, but beating only 3 levels, even to 100% will only leave you with 60. Nine short.

My last suggestion is to require the player to "Complete" the levels. Maybe a level could have an end. Maybe an exit, or maybe a Muguffin. Maybe some kind of goal? It's your game!

Oh and on that note, these are just suggestions! They are by no means what you have to do, and maybe you'll come up with a better solution that I haven't even thought of.

Although the base problems are something I believe needs addressing.


Hey, thank you for the thoughtful feedback!

I am indeed still working on it, and the current state of the game doesn't count hearts as collected until you reach the exit, plus has some other things per-level to find.  And there'll be a lot more levels with more specific heart gating (and fewer hearts in general), so I don't think funny sex number will be as much of an issue.

That's a pretty good point about letting the player skip early intro levels; whoops!  I admit I'm a fan of the "we're all adults here" approach and letting you skip around if you like — big Super Mario World vibes — but it honestly hadn't occurred to me that a new player could inadvertently skip an entire mechanic's introduction.  I'll try to be more careful about that with the full game.