22 Minutes provides players with the rare (and also, quite frankly --- terrifying) opportunity to parcel the end of their life in discrete activities. 22 Minutes has a strong, intentional theme suffusing and informing the entirety of the game experience.
The game is a simple yet effective prompt that forces the player to put a time and a priority on what they can do, what relationships they can cling on to, what doubts or redemptions to wallow in, in such limited time.
Because this is free-form, the player has complete freedom to also make the experience as heavy or light as they want. If I only had 22 minutes, perhaps I'll just spend it all on capybara memes; avoiding the inevitable by envying adorable animals who can't comprehend the universe's end.
I'd love to see this game expanded and perhaps include suggestions on fiction or media that help build the mood or that act as inspiration on asking even more question and processing this experience in novel ways.