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well I have deleted the folder and re-imported . no change. the mini-map example works fine, including FOW but the gungeon example keeps giving timeout

Which version of Unity are you using?

Please try to do the following: Open the DungeonGeneratorTask file in Edgar\Runtime\Generators\DungeonGenerator\PipelineTasks and replace the following section starting at line 80:

            if (layout == null)
                throw new TimeoutException("Timeout was reached when generating level");

Replace it with the following code:

            if (layout == null)
                if (task.Exception != null)
                    throw task.Exception;
                    throw new TimeoutException("Timeout was reached when generating level");

There is currently a problem (which will be fixed in the next version) that the timeout error is sometimes displayed even if there is a different error in the underlying generator. After applying this change, please try to run the generator again and see if the error changed.

Also, a week ago someone reported quite a weird problem with the generator and it started working after he created a clean project and imported the asset there. I don’t know what Unity does behind the scenes but it seems like there’s sometimes a problem with some existing projects.

Please let me know if that helps. If the problem persists, I’ll try to look into that in more detail.

(1 edit)

I am using Unity 2019.4.15f1

the new code gives me a new error.

rgumentException: No shape of the room Edgar.GraphBasedGenerator.Common.RoomNode`1[Edgar.Unity.RoomBase] could be connected to its neighbors. This usually happens if there are pairs of shapes that cannot be connected together in any way (either directly or via corridors). (The mentioned room may not correspond to the actual room as custom types are often mapped to integers to make the computation faster.)
Edgar.GraphBasedGenerator.Common.LayoutController`5[TLayout,TNode,TConfiguration,TShapeContainer,TEnergyData].AddNodeGreedily (TLayout layout, TNode node, System.Int32& iterationsCount) (at <52d877296fbf43209c7081a55723a5a2>:0)

thanks for all of your help. creating a clean project and importing the asset works. I must have something strange in my existing project