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(2 edits)

Hey, I'm so happy, that you played my game and took the time to write all this! It means the world to me <3

And also thank you very much for all the positive feedback~

About your question, I started many unreleased projects but usually didn't finish them. An exception for example is a space shooter I did for an internship to get used to Visual Basic once. :')

But I'm interested in game developement since I was a little child. In elementary school I drew little platformer levels on a piece of paper, put another bigger paper on top of them with a little hole in the center (so one wouldn't see the entire level right away) defined some rules and let my friends and family play it~ That was a lot of fun! Then some time later I found out about Super Mario Bros X, a fangame with a really massiv level editor. I made some games in there, but never finished any. Though, I replayed some of them recently, and they are actually quite fun. Oh nevermind, I made one game for a cousins birthday once, that I even finished! I think then I found out about batch files on Windows and wrote some text adventures with them. Finished one. Also a birthday present, for a friend this time. Replayed that a while ago with him, it was really fun. :')

But it took me some time to get into programming. And besides the stuff I listed, I never finished any projects. But I'm working on it~