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yay indeed lmaooo

so u wanna do anything bc I am bored 

wanna rp or something?


okay want me to start?

naw sis I got dis.

Xander: *you see this dude on the street watch people trip and fall on a crack in the sidewalk* *he laughs as every person face plants one by one*

lilac: *walks up to you* whats so funny???

Xander: well you see. People fall over onto their face. And it makes me laugh. Just look. That guy is delivering a wedding cake. Watch. *the mad falls over and his face splats in the cake destroying it and messing up his clothes* Hahahaha! STRIGHT ONTO THE CAKE LIKE SPLAT! DID YOU SEE THE CAKE EXPLODE! *Xander can barely contain his laughter*

lilac: hmph! Thats not funny?! People are falling they can get hurt!