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Ah yeah, that D3D error. Some folks have encountered this with UE4 games (including mine), I usually link them to this thread and 90% of the time it works for em'.

(5 edits)

Thanks for the help! I'll try it rn

edit: Should i look at the comments?


If you want to, there's always extra info you can find in the comments.

(3 edits)

Hey! uhh i just wanted to say that i downloaded a UE4 game, and it perfectly worked, but, 3 AM at the krusty Krab still doesn't work for some reason. Also, in the top comment on that reddit post, that guy said sth about 32-bit, and my PC is 64-bit, so, do i need to do sth else in order for that method to work? Also, the same error happens when i try to open 3:30 am at the floater's cemetery and 6:00 AM at the chum bucket, I just redownloaded them.

I'm not entirely sure tbh, since I've never encountered the issue personally. It may very well be a problem with my games running on your PC, but it's not something I can fix with my games as far as I'm aware. D:

ok i will try to fix the issue i just decided to metion it :D