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That would be absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for offering to help me network and to share the word. What platform would you think might be a good place to post the request? I was thinking twitter and instagram to start with.


I send you a friend requenst on discord, so I can easier notify you about if some of my friends might offer to help ♥ 
And I'd honestly go for all the social media you got, but not the same day, maybe twitter first with a few suiting hashtags (max 3) and maybe notify a few friends asking to share it (don't ask for shares in the tweet, as far as I know, the algorythm dislikes those statements and the tweets get put at the end of your followers queues D:)

Same goes for instagram- the algorythm favors posts that get favoured / marked for later- and commented- most ; likes alone don't count anymore; and it somehow also pushes those where users spend more time on, eg. read the full description, look at all the slides.
(Not sure if you knew this, so I thought I better mention it just in case ♥ If you already knew, ignore it :) )