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Oh, yeah, clearly it shows that you made a lot of efforts for the UI!

Hmm well, I love horror-romance mixes. But keep in mind you have various kinds of horror - or terror, I guess?

You can have the gory kind, but you can also have more stressful mysterious Eldrich things, that don't HAVE to be gory. Though of course you can have both. This game gives me the vibes of that mysterious insiduous dark style. The kind that puts you uneasy rather than splattering blood all over, basically. But that doesn't mean it can't have both, as I said!

The gore kind of horror may or may not be to the tastes of everyone, but I think people may approve of the other type? Still, I guess your best bet would be making a poll about that?

If I'm to be honest, I'm a sucker for REALLY bad bad edings, so death and gore and creepyness and tears are my jam. I always do the bad endings first, because that way, when I do the good ending, I KNOW what horrors COULD have happened, and I enjoy the positive outcome even more. So I'm all for both the mysterious kind of horror and the bloody one, really.