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Day 3:

So unfortunately today i had A TON of work to do and was incredibly tired (that's term 3 of grade 12 for you) so i haven't gotten a ton done. What i have done is tried out some new aesthetics. I tried a wooden window but being able to see out of a dungeon just didn't fit and i had to cut it out. I have however added in a bookshelf which i made after seeing similar ones online that looked really good. I think it works pretty well especially since you are a necromancer and fits the game. This of course will not be the only aesthetic and i am sure i will have to make many more. Some good news is that i only have a half day tomorrow meaning i can sleep a bit more and hopefully get some work done. I am hoping to make a tutorial level and a level menu system so that way when i add new stuff I'll have a proper level to test it in (e.g. enemies, aesthetics, puzzle mechanics). Also I'm not going to be working on this idea soon but I'll put it here so i don't forget, which is that i want to add an object that brings up a box and tells you information. Well that's it for today and sorry about the small amount of progress but as always i hope all of you are doing good and also keep thinking of any aesthetics you would like to see in a dungeon style game.

P.S. This is a bunch of bookshelves just for appearance. They will not be clustered this close in the final game.
