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Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate the effort in putting this list together, some of these things are already planned, however some of them may not be implemented at for limitation reasons.

I'll go over these one by one. :) Just be aware, the editor will be one of the last things to get updates, I'm focused more on adding the remaining missing features of rpg maker MZ, as well as integrating support for MV. :x so these will likely be changes that come later.

Load any file stored in the Tileset folder (may read subfolders) [Feature that can be enabled/disabled]. :

this will more than likely not occur, the way tilesets are used, it's just not very likely, as it would drastically eat up vram, which if you have a decent graphics card, that's no problem, but lower end gpu's( and mobile devices ) will likely run into issues, and my goal is keeping this compatible with as many devices as possible, :( apologies for that, photoshop may be your best bet for this. :x

Expand shortcuts and let us configure them. :

I plan to remove the default rpg maker mv/mz keyboard input settings for the map editor, and integrate my own full fledged keybindings to speed up development process, but for right now, it may be a ways off. :x

Replace the cursor function of rotate camera with drawing capabilities, and make that to rotate the camera, we need to hold the press of a button and drag instead (like Shift + Hold Left click). :

This is planned, however I have not integrated picking yet, which is why I am also missing touch movement in the game itself( it is coming soon though ).

Quick "Square-Circle" drawing and selection tool. : 

This one is planned as well, I also plan to make auto tiles, actually automatic when drawing with a square/circle tool, so this will serve multiple purposes :D 

Allow us to place custom collisions. :

I will consider this, however I don't want to overwhelm the average user, creating 3D colliders can be a rather complex process, at the very best, I'm thinking of providing basic collider shapes which would be able to be scaled/rotated/ and positioned, similar to the mesh itself. 

On this note, I do plan to add vehicle specific collisions as well. :) but that will come after vehicles are implemented.