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(2 edits)

Something interesting as I was playing through, but I'm just now updating to the new version so not sure how much is still valid - it seems like when I make major decisions (whether to stay with the show or not, the route to go with, etc) it somehow changes which one I went with partway through.  For example, I chose to pull out of the show  - at first everything was normal, but then a few days after the immediate effects of that choice, I met with my rival and she started talking about how I'd "changed the narrative" and I was confused but kind of went along with it.  Then a day or two later, the girl who had encouraged me to pull out left the group, while the girl who'd wanted us to stay stuck around.  I eventually chose Fujimoto's route (had also qualified for Aya's), but barely heard from Fujimoto after that, and the end credits scene included a cute drawing of me and Aya, so I'm assuming something similar happened there.  The task to lock into Aya's route never disappeared after I chose Fujimoto's, either.

EDIT:  NVM, seeing that at least the first time that happened was a known issue that's been fixed.  Not sure if the same for the second, but figured I'd leave this up just in case.

(1 edit)

Now playing through the newest update - during the Nation of Idols arc, when I was supposed to have one girl supporting us staying in the show, it showed a blank white box on the screen and no name in the dialogue box.  Later, Fujimoto came to my office and referenced the girl who quit, but he used the wrong name and referred to a girl who's still in the group. 

The rival's route is really bugged, too - I've had to use the f7 debugger thing a few times because the next part of the story wouldn't trigger after I completed the task.