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I discovered a glitch to get infinite water if you click the drink water quickly then switch over to collect and it doesn't stop you so I got 100/2 water lol but one of the best games I've seen

edit: I discovered another bug when you spawn in the game and sleep until the last day you just win the game in like 15 secs

Thanks a lot for pointing those out. I wasn't aware of both. The first glitch is interesting, simply because you have to click the other button for it to work.

The one with sleeping is a way bigger issue though. It was supposed to let you sleep only when the clock is at 30 or below. Before I simple didn't give the sleeping option when it was earlier, but I thought people may not realize they could sleep at all if they only saw the rest option. So I made it spawn, but be red before it gets dark - seems I forgot about actually making it a condition when clicking it.

The last 2 days before the jams end I didn't have as much time and rushed the "finished" version. So I think I shouldn't patch it, although it's tempting. I just didn't manage it in the time, that's part of a jam I guess. :)