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Thank you for the feeback.

You're right for the spider's controls, I'll try to add something like this so you at least don't stop when you keep the button pressed.

For walljumps, I used a few hacks to make it feel better, I'll try to adjust that. Maybe it's just a lack of feedback too, the animations for it are kinda jank and there should be a sound when you slide along a wall. Oh well, next demo!

Frequent dialog: it's because I basically compressed all the tutorials into 2 levels, but I'll try to do it more "show don't tell", and I could make story dialog let player's control alone for some part I think.

So the fact you need to get both characters to the sign isn't conveyed well (especially to speed readers or as I like to call them, heretics), I think I'll introduce players more smoothly to the "2 characters" concept next demo. This goes along the previous point.

For the eggs, you can see how many eggs you have in each level by choosing "View" in the level selector. I was planning to have that directly on the list but I kinda had to rush it to be honest. I was also planning to be able to replay a level without the cutscenes, because it's annoying to have to reread the same dialog everytime like if you want to get your missing eggs.

The last level is basically a speed challenge with both characters, if you want to know what you missed.

Thanks for playing! I'll try your game.