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Nice idea with a good twist to make it work with the theme. Some of the interactions have me stumped with how unintuitive they are.
The need to set everything up and keep track of it all means I often forget the things I have/haven't done so I can't connect the journal text afterwards with what worked. The naturalistic writing of the journal is nice, but it confuses matters instead of reporting on your progress.

Thank you for constructive feedback. You're totally right. I doubt I can change the interactions easily as it would require some more art, but I'll try to add a kind of a recipe book to the journal that makes tracking your discoveries easier. 



Thanks again for your feedback. I considered it in my post-jam update which I just released. If you're up for it, you are more than welcome to check it out. Cheers!


I've given the new build a go and it's certainly an improvement! Good to have a reference for someone of my forgetful nature.

Thanks a lot for giving it another try and for the feedback!