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(4 edits) (+1)(-1)


(edit; what's the point of downvoting bro it's just letting the authors know there are mistakes that could be fixed :pensive:)

A different comment, definitely needs a grammar check; just between TJ's route and one of Leo's, I've encountered plenty of mistake, such as Kudzu being called 'Kduzu' when at Leo's house with Carl, TJ, Chase and Leo, other chatboxes having improper grammar, such as Kudzu starting with lowercase letters in certain parts (though I can't remember). Some just don't end with periods, which is oddly unsettling, such as Leo saying "How" (i think) when they're at the motel, about to find TJ, Chase saying "Wait, Leo, clint hasn't done anything to us since this started, just--". Flynn also refers to Kudzu as 'Kduzu' when they're going to the train. Unlike every other time (that i've noticed), Chase says 'Oh my god', instead of 'Oh my God' when talking to Leo in the same scene.

Jenna says "I know that sounds bed" instead of bad in her route as well.

Woohoo, Flynn's route time!!

Janice is literally missing her name on her chatbox when Chase and Flynn choose what they're having to eat.

"Habistat", huh, Flynn?

(1 edit)

when chase wakes up in Jenna's route, he says 'whinging'.

when talking to jenna about yaoi and bara, he says 'i cant turn my head curiously towards her.'

I noticed a couple of those too. As a writer myself I've found I make the same kind of mistakes and also spellchecker doesn't always work!

of course! people playing it and pointing it out is definitely for the best, though

Yeah, it's good.