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(1 edit)

I really love this game, honestly. However, I didn't understand some thing. I also ran into a game breaking bug. First, the picture puzzle. I wasn't the only one that didn't understand it so, we all had to come here to look it up. I'm almost sure it's the channels you find on the TV before this level but, I'm not positive. The walking mechanic gets stuck sometimes but, not too bad, just a minor annoyance. Now, the bug I mentioned. I was going around the house collecting the puzzle pieces from the locked cabinets. I was able to collect the puzzle piece in the living room twice, (not sure if that's how it was supposed to be) but, I went back to the kitchen and nothing happened after interacting with the beast on the table. I paused to look for the answer on here but ended up accidentally quitting to the title screen. I tried the "Continue" but, it wasn't working. I closed and reopened the game, nothing. I had to start from the beginning, sadly... Like I said though, it was a great game and I want to finish it but, I figured I should let you know about this, as it's under development still. Keep it up! Can't wait to check the full product.


Thank you for bugs report! Yeah, I system is buggy and it doesn't work, I will fix it. Second bug is very strenge. I need to check why some people solve the puzzle twice. Thank you! ;)