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(1 edit)

My Windows try to Protect me from your Game!

But No Chance!!! I was already curious about your Spoiler Post!

Amazing Work! The Game Idea is such great and fits incredible well for the Theme. Music is cool, epilepsy gets TRIGGGERED

sadly it wasnt fully working, i just could move my Mouse to the Green Spot even i was out of the Borders and go to the next Level.

You should fix the Bugs and extend it a little, this could be a fun and cool Mobile Game aswell.

I reallly like it! Great Work


Thanks for the feedback. I think I could've exported the game differently in order to make not appear dangerous.

As for the gameplay, I was not at all ready for the jam, but decided to experiment with something else anyways.

I plan to fix some issues with this game over the course of the next couple days, as well as add a few more levels.

Thanks for bringing light to two major glitches: the quick skip, as well as the border breaking. I want to expand on the whole "turning block to the beat" thing and add a much-needed epilepsy warning.

Thanks for taking time to comment, Stusse Games.