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(1 edit)

Hey thanks for playing and recording! :)

I have to agree that the game should communicate better with the player. Many people which I have watched playing had problems knowing whats going on, or were distracted by things like 200 drawer without content.

And also the 3 levers actually opened the metal door from the room with the axe. This was kinda communicated badly, since it was implemented very late.

You are actually the first one I have seen who tries to interpret the switchboard, which actually has no function (we thought about implementing a puzzle but we cut it since time was tight). But implementing it like this with maybe indicator lights would be cool too.

Never mind I actually think the game would need more polishing and an improved gamedesign, to communicate better with the player and improve functions, over more action.

Stuff like 200 openable drawer and notes getting picked up backwards is something what really kills the game flow.

Of Couse we thought about implementing something like a monster but we cut it really early since it would require much work to make it all look good, and we didnt have the time for that.

Anyway, how do you feel about the dynamically open and closable doors and drawer function and usability? Since it took you so long to figure it out, should it have been more clearly communicated via UI or so?