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Question is, where do you draw the line? In Tomb of the Snake, the first step in generating the forest level is... placing trees at random. How else? That doesn't make the rest of the process any less, well, procedural. And in RogueBot the items to collect are placed randomly on the otherwise procedurally generated map. Does that somehow diminish the result?

As for how exactly to generate dungeons, there are many valid approaches. So far I've done well with drunken walks, and especially BSP trees. But with Escape from Cnossus and now Glittering Light I kinda reached the limit of the latter, so I have to try new things going forward. RogueBot was such an attempt actually.

I say don't dismiss naive, unsophisticated approaches, because they can yield surprisingly good results. And the human brain is remarkably apt to see patterns even where there are none. Which is, like many other things, both a tragedy and a boon.