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I'm new to Tiled so I'm watching Youtube videos to learn it.  I downloaded Tiled for Windows 64-bit (snapshot).
My problem is that i miss a button Terrain. SS of mine:

SS from YT:

And here it is.
I already read similar topics on your discourse and still don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Even in documentation it says it should be there.

I don't understand.


You're using a development snapshot, which contains changes leading up to Tiled 1.5. This includes the removal of the Terrain Brush, since this functionality is now completely covered by the Wang Brush and the related Wang Sets mode in the tileset editor. Unfortunately I haven't gotten around yet to updating the documentation, but the workflow remained largely the same.

If you prefer to go back to a version where you can follow the steps in the video exactly, you should use Tiled 1.4.3 instead.

Thank you for quick reply :)