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(1 edit) (+1)

Did you happen to post multiple “Major Update or Launch” devlogs too often? Its text reads this:

Major Update or Launch

Highlight significant changes or a newly available project. These posts will boost project position on the Recently Added & Updated list pending curator approval.

I believe “pending curator approval” would include someone making sure this is indeed a major update / launch, and if not may not reset the game’s position in “New games” and other places.

If that’s not it, then I’m not sure.

I wrote a couple tech discussion logs about code I wrote for my project others might find useful. Maybe the mods thought they weren't very useful. I don't think I've made a "major update or launch" post. At least not on purpose. But  It's hard to tell which my posts are those kind since it doesn't show up on your list of devlogs. You have to click into each of them to find out.

In any case, absent any response, this seems likely. A post that was mis-categorized and it tripped in the queue. Funny enough I plan to publish my first legitimate major update tonight. But I'm putting more effort into that one. Hopefully, it does the trick.

Thanks for the information.