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12:48 - Good Ending

13:23 - Bad Ending

(1) 3:17,   (2) 6:35,   (3) 9:48,   (4) 10:54

Quick Thoughts:
I've been grinding out 2.0 trying to beat it but apparently it was impossible (Hearing that only made me want to beat it more. spoiler alert I didn't. Was it impossible, I don't know, but what I do know is when I saw there was a bug fix I went right back at it.

Version Thoughts:
Honestly the only thing that really catches my attention (atm) is the AI. So the first thing that I think of is has/how her behavior has changed. Adding a Yandere and Yangire state to her. One less aggressive then the latter. Only speaking for the normal mode at least. I didn't "see" much change. Yea I've read the logs and she did a couple different things here and there. but the basic concept of trying your best to avoid her will yield the same experience as the last version just minus the door looping.

I like what I read about the changes and I hope to see more of the Yandere to Yangire differences how ever sight, drastic, or anywhere in between they may be.

Would be cool to see:
Like maybe make it like Yandere could be your life line just you have to keep in mind that she could change at any moment. So one minute she is like you own personal nurse or scavenger or helper like sidekick and then the next you're in a chase for your life.

I really like what the dev is doing with this game and I will continue to follow it and see what is done with it.