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(12 edits)

Version 2.8.0:

  • (Godot 4.0 only) Fixed 3D IK not working with negative scales (
    • Now using a negative scale will not always cause it to fail. It is not recommended to use negative scales, but it should now be doable.
  • (Godot 4.0 only) Added setting to change the basis direction for all look_at based IK solvers in 3D. (
    • This helps fix issues where the default basis direction of Y leads to twisting and otherwise undesired results. For the majority of use cases, a basis direction of Y is recommended, but there are cases where it isn't the correct approach. Now it can be selected on a per-bone basis on all 3D IK solvers that use look_at.

Version 2.7.0:

  • Godot 4.0 support added! Godot 4.0 support added as new, separate downloads.
  • Adjusted example project to work with Godot 4.0.

Version 2.6.0:

  • Adjusted Twisted_Skeleton3D and Twisted_Bone3D code so they can function without a Skeleton node, allowing for IK use without the requirement of a rigged mesh
  • Bug fixes - fixed issue in several 3D IK solvers where scales could become infinite if the parent bone is animated or scaled - fixed issue in several 3D IK solvers where they would not always work correctly with bones that have -Z as the forward axis

Version 2.5.0:

  • Added Twisted_ModifierVelvet3D and Twisted_ModifierVelvet2D! Uses Velvet integration and can be used similarly to Jiggle bones
  • Bug fixes - fixed issue where joint count would suddenly become zero on project rebuild - fixed issue where Twisted_Skeleton3D would not always be in sync

Version 2.4.0:

  • Added Twisted_DuoBone3D and Twisted_DuoBone2D. Both are faster, simpler alternatives to TwoBoneIK that give the same great results.
  • (NOTE) Twisted_TwoBoneIK3D is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release
  • Twisted_PhysicsBone3D nodes can now track ordinary Twisted_Bone3D nodes. Two modes available, one that requires using Godot Joint nodes (not 1:1 but allows fully physics interaction) and one that uses code to keep joints together (cannot react to physics but can influence other physics objects)
  • Twisted_ModiferStack3D now has an option to turn its execute on in the _ready function, so you can have a scene instantly start IK without having to have it active in the Godot editor. (Will be added to Twisted_ModifierStack2D soon!)
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 2.3.0:

  • Added Twisted_PhysicsMotor2D and the look_at_target function to Twisted_PhysicsBone2D! This should allow for better, semi-controllable physics bones in 2D

Version 2.2.0:

  • Added Twisted_PhysicsBone2D!
  • Added Twisted_ModifierSliderJoint2D and Twisted_ModifierSliderJoint3D!
  • Fixed bug in 3D FABRIK and TwoBoneIK that causes it to give different results when entire assembly is rotated
  • Added utility script folder to example project

Version 2.1.0:

  • Added initial 2D Constrained FABRIK support. Isn't totally where I want it, but its workable and shows promise. Will likely continue to work on in the future.
  • Added new options to CCDIK
  • Added documentation for 2D Skeleton setups

Version 2.0.0:

  • 2D Support added! All 3D IK modifiers have been implemented in 2D
  • Added a new Twisted_Bone2D node, which allows for IK use. Twisted_Modifier2D and Twisted_ModifierStack2D have also been added.
  • Added Twisted_ModifierLookAt2D, Twisted_ModifierCCDIK2D, Twisted_ModifierFABRIK2D, Twisted_ModifierCurveIK2D, Twisted_ModifierJiggle2D, and Twisted_ModifierTwoBoneIK2D!

Version 1.3.0:

  • Jiggle can now optionally use a Spatial-based node as a reference node for the input target vector. This allows you to set the target vector relative to the node, making it possible to rotate the target vector by rotating the reference node.
    • In the video above, the hips bone is used as the reference node, so when the hips move, so does all of the jiggle bones. This should make it possible to use the Jiggle modifier with bone-based animations, real-time or exported from software like Blender.
  • Jiggle can now use Quat-based rotation. This has some limitations, like no rotation offset, but it does give different results which may be desired.
    • This option is disabled by default! Initially I added it because it helps reduce twist, which was especially problematic for the dress used in the video above, but later adjusted the LookAt code, so now both are about equal in not twisting bones.
    • Quat-based rotation is accumulative, it doesn't override the rotation like LookAt does. This can make it more suitable for certain applications.
  • The Jiggle modifier now correctly calculates gravity based on the rotation of the Twisted_Skeleton3D node, making it always point in the right direction.
  • Added a Quat-based LookAt function to Twisted_3DFunctions for easier use. FABRIK and Jiggle both now use this function.
  • Added a function called "get_bone_global_pose" to Twisted_Bone3D, which will return a Transform that is the global pose data from the Skeleton node that the bone is assigned to.
    • Optionally can convert the global pose to world space, which is configurable through a boolean argument (on by default).

Version 1.2.0:

  • Added initial documentation pages! Currently just the landing page for the documentation and Skeleton setup, but more will be added over time! All documentation is provided in Markdown files in a folder called "Documentation" along with the plugin downloads.
  • The 3D jiggle modifier can now use a Vector3 direction as the target instead of a Spatial-based node.
  • The 3D jiggle modifier has new properties that allow for sending motion down the chain for more predictable results. This makes the joints less jiggly, but more predictable and controllable. Really depends on the use, but this option should help for cases where joints further down the chain become too jiggly and hard to control.

Version 1.1.0:

  • Class reference documentation for all current code!
    • All custom public functions and almost all public variables now have class reference documentation.
    • This is especially helpful for intellisense!
    • Class reference documentation is directly in the source code for portability (was going to be external files, but I couldn't get it working...)