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I'm glad to hear you're having fun!

A massive update is dropping next week that includes a tone down on the pixelization, among a million other things.

Look forward to it!


Hey again just a few things i would like to say. 

1.I love this game so far just got to floor -27 and it took a hour and fifteen minutes keep up the awesome work on such a great dungeon crawler.

(some feedback)

I don't know what stat makes you kick crates farther Strength? But at one point I could kick them into walls and across the room it was pretty funny.

Floor spikes should break crates when kicked into them.

the adrenaline ring is very op I could not die to traps but i was a high level. It wasn't impossible to die though.

Thanks for a cure to my boredom sorry for a long message i love the game.

Thanks for the feedback!

Yes, Strength is what influences your kick's power, and they're getting toned down next patch.

Spikes breaking crates would make it too easy to get the goodies inside. It's supposed to be a tradeoff between it and the durability cost, or the skill to get an enemy to break it for you, or with them.

The Adrenaline ring is getting a rework alongside most of the rings in the game, for the better. It'll be less broken, but more fun!

Hope to keep you entertained with all the stuff that's coming!